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РЯВ, 46 - 28 февраля 2008 09:29

цитаты взято от Жук
[B]5 Reasons Why Dating Isn't Fair For Men[/B]

[I][COLOR=violet]For many days this part of my dairy has been ignored. That was a great omission. Now I'd like to contribute something that was mailed me recently by David DeAngelo. Hope that this funny stuff would be in a way in the mainstream of this sight. It's a simple readind but I'll do translating later[/COLOR].[/I]

This week I want to talk about one of my
favorite topics.

I want to talk about the fact that Dating isn't
a "fair" game, and what to do about it...

First off, I want to mention that LIFE isn't
fair. In case you haven't noticed, almost NOTHING
is fair.

Fairness is an idea that people have created. I
think we probably created the concept to torture
ourselves, in fact.

Here are a few ways that life isn't "fair", as
the concept relates to women and dating:

1) Some men are taller, and some are shorter.
Women tend to prefer taller men. How unfair.

2) A very small portion of the women that are
alive are as perfect and beautiful as the women in
Playboy and other magazines, and therefore it's
impossible for every man to have a woman that is
this beautiful. How unfair.

3) Many men go their entire lives without ever
having sex. How unfair.

4) Some men have sex with hundreds or even
thousands of women in their lives. How unfair.

5) Some men know the secrets of creating that
magical emotion called ATTRACTION inside of women
even though they aren't rich, handsome, tall, etc.
and wind up having their choice of beautiful young
women. How unfair.

The point I'm trying to make is that LIFE

Dating isn't fair, either.

Sometimes a woman will respond positively to
you, then the next day she'll act strange.

Sometimes a specific technique will work for
you, and sometimes it won't.

Sometimes you'll feel great and confident
inside, and sometimes you won't.

Now, most people don't like the idea that life
(and dating) aren't fair. They get upset when
things don't go their way, place too much meaning
on things that happen to them and responses they
get from women, and generally act like life should
be different.

Of course, this is CRAZY.

The more that I realized this fact... that life
just isn't fair... the more that I realized
another PROFOUND truth:


If life were "fair", then you wouldn't be able
to do anything to change your personal success.
You'd get what everyone else was getting.

But, the fact is that you CAN change your
personal success in any area you want (including

And the best part of this good news is that you
can not only get better and better, but you can
actually turn the tables around in YOUR FAVOR.

You can improve so much that you are actually
at an ADVANTAGE when it comes to women and dating.

So, if the idea that "life isn't fair" is such
great news, then why aren't more people thinking
of it this way?

I personally think that most people aren't
WILLING to get up off of their couch, put the
remote down, and actually invest the time and
effort required to become GREAT at something.

So, I'd like you to do something right now.

Take a moment, and make the decision and
commitment to yourself that you're going to TAKE
ACTION in the areas of your life that you want to
improve, and you're going to do what it takes to
stay on track until you get the results that
you're looking for.

Can you make that commitment to yourself?

Can you FOLLOW THROUGH on that commitment?

The most important decision I made in terms of
my dating success was the fateful night that I
decided that I was going to get this part of my
life handled... NO MATTER WHAT.

Have YOU made this decision yet?

If not, then make it RIGHT NOW.

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